Kilimanjaro, TZ – PAM Family benefits from work with Lishe Bora – 15 June 2019

PAM family mother, who works with Lishe Bora, has supported her 8 children to go to school, supplying them with other basic needs, and has supported other family projects.
The PAM Family mother works as the Family manager for Lishe Bora. She spends time working with families and mentoring them on best gardening practices. Her income from her work goes towards her children’s school fees and the remainder, along with her husband’s income, goes towards animal husbandry projects.
Having worked with Lishe Bora for a long time, she was able to apply for a loan. She received a loan to start a dairy cow project. Today, this Dairy cow project provides her family with milk. Currently, her dairy cow has reproduced once and is pregnant. The dairy cow’s offspring is also reserved for breeding, this will double their volume of dairy production.
Currently, PAM family is challenged by the size of their current banda. It needs renovated to compensate for the growth in their project.

She hopes to use her sources of income to build a comfortable house for her family and to continue supporting their future lives.