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Kilimanjaro, TZ – ELS Family benefits from dedicated garden work – 15 Nov 2019

ELS Family received their first garden in 2017 and are still maintaining the garden. The garden produces enough vegetables to filly full the family in every meal and the excess is sold off to earn some extra income.

The ELS family has properly maintained their garden for 3 years and they involve the whole family. Since many jobs come and go in Mkyashi, the Mother and father have to take the piece work they can. While they are the way, the grandmother manages the garden. This consistency has helped them make sure that their bellies are full and to earn an extra 30,000 TZS *($13 USD) every month.

The garden needs a new fence, however, the original one donated by Lishe Bora is run down and livestock can pass through and damage their garden.

They hope to save up enough money to purchase a water barrel to harvest rainwater to assist in watering their garden, additionally the hope to purchase a new fence to help protect their garden.