Utete, TZ – Mama’s Group review the books – 30 Aug 2014

Morning feed for the cows

Morning feed for the cows

Frank, the KCM Garden Shop manager, offered his accounting services to the Mamas’ Group in Kindwitwi who have been working on a small business raising a cow. He reviewed the team’s revenues and expenses in order to help them get a clearer picture of their financial performance for the year. The results were encouraging.

So far this year the team has generated revenues of 1,237,350 TZS (US$775) by selling milk. They have spent 405,450 TZS (US$255) on food, medicine, and other expenses related to keeping the cow healthy and productive. They have also repaid 750,300 TZS (USD $469) of the loan they received from the Kindwitwi Development Association to start the project.

These figures are good news. For months the cow’s productivity decreased to as little as 1 liter per day because the mamas had not been feeding and giving water to the cow as much as they should have. Without this period, revenues would be much higher. Additionally, the cow had a calf. This increased past costs because of increased feeding and medical requirements, but the calf will be a huge asset in the future that will help increase future revenues.