Battambang, KH – Vegetable garden feeds young family – 30 Mar 2014

The CR family are new to our Food Always In The Home (FAITH) garden program. Mr. CR works as a building laborer earning only $2 per day.  They have two children, one is in school grade 1.  They are very poor and live from hand to mouth.  Besides working as building laborer, the father also plants flowers for selling on holy days for religious ceremonies, but this only helps their income and living conditions a little.B.cheng ri 10 Feb 1028

One day, Mr. CR passed by one of our family FAITH gardens and was very interested to see the green and fresh vegetables growing in it.  He started to ask for help building a garden for his family.  After receiving mentoring and discussing the garden’s benefits with Salee, the garden shop manager, he gave a big smile, became very happy and then insisted that he wanted a garden.  After receiving approval from Better Lives, the shop team blessed his wishes by helping him build a garden.A. Cheng Ri

Now the CR family is so very happy because their organic vegetable FAITH garden is providing enough healthy and very tasty vegetables to eat plus additional income to support their family. B.Cheng Ri 1028

The have achieved a wonderful productive garden that grows vividly because it is well cared. The family’s care is benefiting them because Mrs. CR harvests salad and morning glory to eat and also sell the surplus. She earns $20 US by selling Morning glory for $0.25 per kg and Salad lettuce for $0.50 per kg. This money is used to buy the rice and also to pay for their children’s education.

They have been challenged by a seasonal small bug that has damaged their plants, but this problem is being gradually solved with the garden shop’s natural pesticide and other protection techniques.