Utete, TZ – District Livestock Officer impressed with egg business – 28 Feb 2014

On February 28th Mr. Juma, the District Livestock Officer for Rufiji, visited Kindwitwi and stopped by the chicken banda. He was very impressed with the design of the banda and the care the chickens were receiving. He was optimistic about the future of the project and offered his services if there were ever problems in the future.

It has taken a few months longer than expected but the Bates’ Banda chicken project in Kindwitwi is finally meeting its revenue goals – and the project group still sees room to grow.

Currently the, the group’s 96 chickens are producing 70 eggs per day. That comes to a monthly income of 560,000 TZS (USD$350). They are optimistic that they can increase this by at least 10% without increasing their expenses at all or growing their flock.

Almost 300 eggs ready to be taken to Utete.

Almost 300 eggs ready to be taken to Utete.

The group has also managed their expenses well. They’ve spent about 6% more than anticipated, but they have also maintained a much higher survival rate among their chickens. Increasing their revenue will help balance these expenses, but even now the group is making sufficient profit to maintain the project, pay off their loan, and reinvest to grow the project.

For now the group is focusing on repaying their loan and saving for future growth. The banda is capable of holding up to 300 chickens. There is a large market for eggs in the nearby town of Utete and so far the group is not concerned about market saturation.

If this project continues to do well it can be considered for replication with other groups and communities.