Battambang, KH – GP’s Garden nourishes the children – 28 Feb 2014

GP Children


Since GP and his wife started their garden, they have noticed that their family have been getting sick less and attribute it to eating more nutritious food every day.




GP Garden work



The whole GP family work together to maintain a very productive vegetable garden so that they can feed themselves and sell surplus vegetables.  Their garden is truly wonderful.  They have just harvested 40Kg of salad lettuce from two 1 meter x 8 meter raised beds, and sold them to a vegetable broker for US$0.25 per kg to earn them a total of US$10.





The family has been spraying their vegetables with a natural pesticide, which the garden shop produces, to protect them from a small pest that eats them.  There has also been the challenge of a lack of water.  Despite these challenges they have been growing many vegetables.