Kilimanjaro, TZ – SMM Family – 9 Dec 2013

SMM 20131209

The SMM family’s garden is barely a month old but it is already looking like it will be a productive one. Each week they are learning new best practices and techniques that should help them maintain productivity. This past week the SMM family learned the proper techniques for picking Chinese cabbage so that it can produce for an extended period and also for pruning tomatoes so they produce more food later on.

Chinese cabbage and kale are already being eaten and tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, onions, garlic, beans, and other leafy greens are well on their way. The one crop that hasn’t come in well is cowpeas. Therefore, SMM will be planting cabbage in the bed with the cowpeas so that if they don’t come in well at least the cabbage will be available. Additionally, cowpeas return a lot of nitrogen to the soil, which will help the cabbage grow healthier.