Kilimanjaro, TZ – MOD Family – 9 Dec 2013

MOD 20131209

The MOD family continues to work hard and struggle against factors outside of their control to maintain a productive garden. When they decided to start a garden the stream running alongside their house was running fairly consistently, rarely closing up for more than a day. When the stream was closed the family would have to walk a couple hundred meters up and down mountainous terrain to carry buckets one by one to water their garden.

When the stream was open the MOD had a beautiful and productive little garden. Now, they still have a productive garden but both the family and the garden are struggling under the added stress of water shortages. The Lishe Bora team is currently working to supply the family with a 200 liter super drum that should help store water and regulate supply. Their tomatoes are just a few weeks from being ready and they also have onion and garlic plants coming. Because their garden is small, Mama MOD has been using all of her produce for home use for her and her three children.