Utete, TZ – YPM family garden – 2 Aug 2013

The YPM family does not have sufficient space near their home for a garden, so YPM’s mother was able to let her use a piece of land near her house on the other side of the village. The area has good soil and air circulation, but water was going to be an issue because of the distance to the nearest water source (over 100 meters).  YPM’s husband, who works at the KCM garden shop, was able to offer his mother in law a combination of a loan and a personal money contribution in order to put in a direct water connection to her home and near the garden.  The mother in law contributed the labor for digging the trench and worked alongside the students from Parmiter’s school.  Together they dug the trench in one afternoon! The water connection will also serve two other gardens!



Working in the PM garden

The YPM garden is planted with tomatoes, onions, mchicha, eggplant, okra, and sweet potatoes.  Lemon grass and marigolds were planted in and around the gardens to help to deter insects.

The PM garden after 1 week

The YPM garden after 1 week