Utete, TZ – OPN family garden – 19 Aug 2013

The OPN family started their garden 16 August 2013 with the help of the KCM garden shop.  The OPN family has six children ranging from 6 months to 18 years old.  The children’s grandmother is living with the family because the grandfather passed away some years ago.  The family was very excited to start getting fresh vegetables every day from their garden!

The NB family

The OPN family.

They planted eggplant, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, mchicha, sweet potatoes and tomatoes.  The nearest water source is about 100 meters away, so they face the challenge of fetching the 20 buckets a day for their garden.  The KCM garden shop has loaned them a hose pipe which will reach to their garden entrance so that they can fill their 200 liter barrel quickly and concentrate on tending the garden instead of fetching water.