Moshi, TZ – Kisangasangeni Primary garden update – 26 Jun 2013

The school garden had suffered from the flooding mainly because the school was closed for two weeks during the height of the floods.  This meant that no one was available to tend to the beds, so most of the vegetables died and the beds looked a little untidy.  When the Tupdendane team arrived, the children had watered the gardens and the school was planning to repair the beds and replant during a week of scheduled work for the students during their holiday period.

Kisangasangeni garden after flood 201306

Kisangasangeni garden after flood 201306

The headmaster was full of enthusiasm for the garden and reported that the children and teachers had been eating some of the vegetables.  They had sold 20,000 TZS / US$ 12 worth of vegetables and had also sold seeds.  The garden has also attracted a good deal of interest from families in the area.