Moshi, TZ – Floods! – 18 Apr 2013

The annual rains have started in full force, and the Moshi area has been devastated with extensive flooding.  Many homes have been destroyed, numerous farms have become lakes and most of the roads are impassable.

A locally made home surrounded by water

A locally made home surrounded by water

Besides having a devastating impact on crops and locally made homes, the floods will cause an impact on the local drinking water because sewage has made its way into the ground water.

A local farmer looks at his flooded farm

A local farmer looks at his flooded farm

The Tanzanian government has taken measures to feed some of the people who have lost their homes and many farmers are trying to salvage what crops they can from their farms, but the rains are not due to stop until the end of May.

A Tupendane farm garden

A Tupendane farm vegetable garden

At the Tupendane farm the team have made plans to dig trenches in an effort to divert the water away from the gardens, but work will be slow because of the sheer amount of rain that has caused flooding that is even worse than last year’s devastating floods.  Deo is assessing the situation and will be in contact with us.