Moshi, TZ – SEA family Garden – 15 March 2013

The SEA family are very excited about having an organic vegetable garden, because their father has been watching the progress of other family gardens.  After Mr SEA saw the Tupendane farm and family gardens growing well, he became convinced it was worth building a garden for the family as a test.  So the Tupendane team helped his family build it, and provided them with a garden toolkit of 2 watering cans and a 200 liter water barrel, on 15 March.

AL family with all the inputs for their garden

Compost for the SA garden

During the past month, the Tupendane team has focused on building up an inventory of compost.  This enabled them to add 50 kg of compost to each bed, which will help the family get good productivity from their garden!

They planted early maturing kale, semi-annual mung beans and okra, and annual sweet potatoes and cassava.  They should be able to start harvesting the kale in 5 short weeks!