Moshi, TZ – PR family garden – 3 March 2013

Tupendane and the PR family built the garden 18 Jan, but with less than the target of 50Kg of compost in each of the 12 beds.  The result is slower than hoped development of the vegetable plants.  less plant food means less growth!

P family garden 3 March 2013

PR family garden 3 March 2013

The plants are also competing with some weeds for the plant food, so more weeding would help.  Watering has been a bit hit and miss because of occasionally running short of fuel, and Mrs P is not available to help in the garden because she is caring for their new baby.  Mr P has been spraying for pests, as a result there are only a few on the plants.

Mr P is the first person in the community to say that he wants to add a commercial garden, so it is good to see that he believes in the new vegetable garden.  I wonder if he will want to plant in earth basins or raised beds!