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Asia Partners


Happy Shine Garden Shop, Philippines

assists low income families improve their lives by building organic vegetable gardens to help them with their health and nutrition as well as …

Power at home

Transrural Trust, Nepal

assists women in disadvantaged rural areas to transform their natural resources, traditions, and skills into profitable and sustainable enterprises. Transrural Trust also …

Aik Ren and Rey

Peaksneng Thormacheat Shop, Cambodia

partners with families to improve the health of their children by building organic vegetable gardens and distributing micro-loans for pig-rearing. Both projects have a …

Tabitha savings better food

Tabitha, Cambodia

enables the poorest families in Cambodia to actively make their own choices and alleviate poverty by saving money. Through Tabitha’s Savings Program families set …

group meeting

SeeBeyondBorders, Cambodia

trains teachers, develops school infrastructure and supports local families educating their children so that children can complete primary school and move on …

Healthy Life Reinforcement Team In Battambang Cambodia

Healthy Life Reinforcement, Cambodia

helps families improve the health of their children by building organic vegetable gardens and distributing micro-loans for income generation. Both projects have a history …