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sam barns, Page 6

Power at home

Transrural Trust, Nepal

assists women in disadvantaged rural areas to transform their natural resources, traditions, and skills into profitable and sustainable enterprises. Transrural Trust also …

Aik Ren and Rey

Peaksneng Thormacheat Shop, Cambodia

partners with families to improve the health of their children by building organic vegetable gardens and distributing micro-loans for pig-rearing. Both projects have a …

Tabitha savings better food

Tabitha, Cambodia

enables the poorest families in Cambodia to actively make their own choices and alleviate poverty by saving money. Through Tabitha’s Savings Program families set …

group meeting

SeeBeyondBorders, Cambodia

trains teachers, develops school infrastructure and supports local families educating their children so that children can complete primary school and move on …

Healthy Life Reinforcement Team In Battambang Cambodia

Healthy Life Reinforcement, Cambodia

helps families improve the health of their children by building organic vegetable gardens and distributing micro-loans for income generation. Both projects have a history …

violin group 330

Los Alamitos Youth Center, USA

transforms lives one child at a time through collaborate social, educational, and recreational programs. Programs include music lessons, summer camps, a leadership …

Gloria Pablo Home

BCM, Mexico

trains and supports families to build and maintain new homes. New homes provide weather protection and electricity to help children study. Parents’ …


Educate!, Uganda

delivers an experience-based education model, comprised of leadership and entrepreneurship training, mentorship, and experience starting an enterprise, all delivered through a practically …

Kindwitwi Development Association

Kindwitwi Development Association, Tanzania

provides loans to low-income families and family-groups to start income generating projects. The organization distributes loans for small-business, livestock, agriculture, and home-improvement. Stories  …