Twarumba, TZ – Water Access Supporting Economic Activties – 27 Feb 2015

In the fourth quarter of 2014 Sanitation and Water Action (SAWA) continued working with four communities in the Twarumba district of Tanzania. The communities include Mbwade, Twatwatwa, Manyara, and Rudewa. Projects were implemented using the principles of Multiple Water Source development, which focuses on developing a range of delivery systems suitable for different economic activities.

Mbwade tank before rehab.

Mbwade tank before rehab.

In Mbwade the community contributed  2.15 million TZS (US $1,264) to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) projects. Together with outside donors, SAWA completed the following deliverables:

– Rehabilitated existing water storage tank
– Built new pump house, cattle trough, and water distribution point
– Extended existing pipeline 300 meters
– Purchased a new generator to install after rainy season

Mbwade tank after rehabilitation.

Mbwade tank after rehabilitation.

In the Twatwatwa community residents contributed 5 million TZS (US $2,971) to local WASH projects. With the addition of donor support, SAWA was able to:

– Extend the existing pipelines to reach residents
– Construct two cattle troughs
– Construct two water distribution points

In the Manyara community SAWA completed the following deliverables:

– Drilled an 80 meter deep borehole with a yield of 20,000 liters per hour
– Built a 20,000 liter water storage tank

Copy of Rudewa student club and muralIn Rudewa the community contributed 4.1 million TZS (US $2,411) to local WASH projects. Together with donor support, SAWA completed the following deliverables:

– Rehabilitated the existing water storage tank
– Completed trenching for 85% of 12 km line
– Laid piping for 40% of 12 km line
– Support chicken husbandry trainings
– Support school WASH clubs to paint school murals