Siem Reap, KH – Hard work creates good fortune – 26 Jan 2015

2015-01-21 14.47.11Sareun and his wife are originally from the east of Cambodia, they moved to Siem Reap to build a better future for their family of four children. Sareun spent his life working hard as a laborer for little money. For many years the family was moving from place to place to find a good living. Over the years life was extremely difficult and Sareun knew that he had to find a way to improve their life so that they would be able to reliably feed everyone, pay for healthcare and improve family life. When they arrived in Peaksneng Village, they lived in a little bamboo shack, and found it very hard to get enough food for the family.

Sareun had heard many things about the Food Always In The Home (FAITH) vegetable garden program that the Peaksneng Thormacheat Shop was supporting in the village, so he contacted Rey the shop manager. Rey was very touched when he saw the extreme poor condition of Sareun’s family’s living conditions, so he offered him a temporary job with the shop garden team. Sareun repaid Rey by working very hard and so earned himself a full time job with the team.2015-01-16 06.44.17

The shop also agreed to help Sareun and his family start a FAITH garden by growing a locally adapted herb and a number of other crops such as cassava, gourds, sweat potato, chili, lemongrass and sugar cane that they eat and also sell in the local market. Sareun‘s income has increased because of selling the extra vegetables. The family is very grateful for all the help that the shop has done for them, with the help of Better Lives, because it has changed their lives. The biggest change is in the family’s outlook on life because they are all very proud of what they have accomplished and are grateful to everyone who has motivated them to improve their lives.2015-01-16 06.43.50

The vegetable garden provides them healthy organically grown food and extra income that helps them to buy things needed in the kitchen, like meat and other necessities. The family is now able to rent a house that provides the family with better security. The family are very happy in their labors and that the hard work has paid off, happy in being able to provide healthy food and security that they can call ‘’my home’’. Since they are happy in their willingness to share their life story with others in the village, they are a constant source of encouragement to others who have similar dreams.2015-01-16 09.26.22

Sareun’s family was inspired to try some of the FAITH garden techniques, and the family members haven’t stopped experimenting and improving their family garden. They now also raise ducks and chickens, and also have begun to raise fish for family consumption. From their incomes they have been able to save small amounts of money and still have enough food to eat and enjoy life. Sareun and his wife say thank you to everyone who contributed to making this beautiful story possible for their family.