Battambang , KH – Garden gives family more hope – 14 Dec 2014

Ying sokinThe YS family were homeless until they received assistance from a church community. The family’s situation is a little better now that they have shelter, but daily life remains very difficult. The parents are busy working from dawn to dark to earn only a very small income. They are very willing to do this in order to feed their five children and support their four school age children’s education.

Mr. YS has worked many types of job, from cattle minder, rice planter, wood cutter, builder and other jobs. Additionally, in the dry season he goes deep into the local forest to find honey and fire wood. In the rainy season, both parents walk around the rivers, ponds and lakes to pick wild growing vegetables to feed their family and sell for income.

Even though they are very poor, they carry a strong hope for their children’s education. When they were asked what they hope for their children’s futures, they say they dream their children’s lives will be improved by receiving good education.

Mr. YS came to see a Food Always In The Home (FAITH) organic vegetable garden being built by the garden shop team with a family in their community. He discussed the garden’s benefits with the team and asked again and again for help with building a FAITH garden. After learning about the family’s living situation, the shop submitted the YS family’s application to Better Lives which approved the application for funding.sokin 4

The YS family have been very excited about their garden. They are pleased to work very hard in the garden to make it green and productive. They have planted lettuce, salad, morning glory, green beans and long beans. They use most of them to feed their family and sell the surplus vegetables to the market. They can earn US$ 3 to US$ 10 per time in the market. This money goes towards living expenses and their children’s education costs.Sokin 1Mr. YS has told the garden shop team that he is very grateful for their help, because the garden has really provided them with healthy food, additional income, and more hope for their children’s education and future.