SeeBeyondBorders, Cambodia

trains teachers, develops school infrastructure and supports local families educating their children so that children can complete primary school and move on to lower secondary school.

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Better Lives Partner Since: 2011
Completed Primary Schools: 4


Teach the Teacher
The objective of the Teach the Teacher program is to provide professional development to local teachers through workshops and mentoring programs. It consists of both teacher training workshops, and an in-school support program.  Mathematics is the subject focus, since it provides a comprehensive medium through which to develop good teaching practice applicable across the whole curriculum.

Better Schools ProgramHand washing
The objective of the Better Schools Program is to develop school infrastructure. This program builds, repairs, maintains and improves school buildings and infrastructure. It prioritizes creating safe environments, health (water, sanitation and nutrition), facilities which aid participation (playgrounds, gardens, sports fields, art areas), and teacher housing.  Projects are selected based on the capacity of invested resources to significantly enhance the education available to the local community.

Getting to School Program
The objective of the Getting to School program is to support families trying to educate their children. This program assists families to educate their children by ensuring children get to school.  It focuses on social, economic and health issues preventing children from going to school.  When needed, the program offers targeted support to relieve children of work responsibilities so they can attend school and, once there, helps ensure they are sufficiently fed and healthy to be attentive.


SeeBeyondBorders works in three provinces throughout Cambodia. In each of these provinces, they work with a selected district to improve schools and train teachers from the surrounding area. SeeBeyondBorders works in rural areas of Cambodia – where 80% of the population reside. Offices in Cambodia are in Battambang (head office), Bavel (project office) and Siem Reap (branch office).