Children’s Future International, Cambodia

provides comprehensive educational and personal growth opportunities to some of the most vulnerable children in Cambodia. Programs are designed to serve children’s physical and psychological needs.

Stories          Donation OpportunitiesPrivate school group 1020

Better Lives Partner Since: 2011


Child Well-Being
Children’s Future International (CFI) social workers focus their efforts on ensuring children’s basic nutrition and safety needs are met, so that they can focus on being successful in school. Basic support services include ensuring access to clean drinking water, proper nutrition, and safe housing. Residential support services include family counseling, arrange alternative care for children within home communities, and residential facilities for children with no safe alternativel. CFI also provides healthcare services including first aid, nursing, annual exams, vaccinations, dental exams, and facilitation of hospital visits.

Education OpportunitiesBoupha 600
CFI educational programs provide children with the life skills and training they need for educational and professional success. The goal is to get children into public schools and enable them to graduate. Additional support is provided for children who wish to attend university or vocational training. To help children get into public schools, CFI offers tutoring and catch-up classes, reintegration services, uniforms, child advocacy, and bicycles for reliable transportation to and from school. Enrichment education is offered in English language, computer science, art, music, sports, leadership and values development, and women’s health and empowerment.

Staff Training
Because of events in Cambodia’s recent past, the nation faces a leadership gap and a lack of trained professionals. Staff training and capacity building places a critical role in the quality and sustainability of programming. CFI provides staff training for teaching, social work, leadership, human rights, gender mainstreaming, and women’s health and empowerment.