Kindwitwi Development Association, Tanzania

provides loans to low-income families and family-groups to start income generating projects. The organization distributes loans for small-business, livestock, agriculture, and home-improvement.

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Better Lives Partner Since: 2013
Total Loans Disbursed: 19
Total Funds Disbursed: US$17,481


Micro-LoansKCM - Chunguweni Business
The Kindwitwi Development Association (KDA) provides micro-loans to community members so they can start income generating projects. Groups can qualify for loans by presenting viable business plans and proving an ability to repay the loan if the business fails. Families can also qualify for loans by starting FAITH Organic Vegetable Gardens with Better Lives’ other community partner in Kindwitwi, Kikundi Cha Mafanikio. Families who maintain productive gardens and can take out loans against the income from their gardens.


Kindwitwi is a small village about 200 km south of Tanzania’s capital, Dar es Salaam. People have only inhabited the area since the 1950′s, when the government of Tanzania sent leprosy patients from across Tanzania to live in Kindwitwi for quarantine. Today’s residents are the descendants of those patients.

Most residents depend on harvests from one acre plots of land. Microloans help community members expand current economic activities and diversify into new activities. Loans benefit the whole community because residents use them to deliver products or services that were not previously available.