Utete, TZ – Egg-laying business showing promise – 22 Oct 2014

Chickens feedingThe Bates Banda group had one of their best month’s yet with their egg-laying business. The group made 376,500 TZS (US $235.31) in revenues from selling eggs. They had 232,000 TZS (US $145.00) in project expenses made 120,000 TZS (US $75.00) in loan repayments. This left them with 24,500 TZS (US $15) to add to their project savings account for future expenses.

This is the third month in a row the group has made a profit and they are expecting to continue without any problems until the rainy season comes in March and makes the roads to their market impassible. They are already looking ahead to this time and developing relationships with vendors in the nearby town of Utete who may be able to help sustain a market through the rainy season.