Siem Reap, KH – Vegetable garden feeds family of six – 23 Apr 2014

Mr. LL is 35 years old and married with four children (two boys and two girls; oldest daughter is 18 years old and the youngest child is 9 year old). His wife ME is 41 years old, and they live in New Peak Snaing village, Angkor Thom District, Siem Reap province. They are both farmers, and sometimes ME goes into the jungle to gather forest products, such as, bamboo shoots and rattan.DSC_1227

As farmers, they have been facing a daily struggle with poverty because of the disastrous combination of drought and flood that affected rice farmers throughout the province last year. This year, there may not be enough rice stocks to supply food for his family until the next harvest. Mr LL went to the garden shop’s farm and spoke to the person in charge of the farm called Weun, saying ‘’I am really worried, I am about to run out of rice to eat until in the middle of the year”.

Mr LL humbly requested help building a Food Always In The Home (FAITH) garden, because he had heard about the family garden and the benefits of organic vegetable gardening. A few days later, Rey the shop manager went to meet and speak with the LL family about the organic gardening.  During this visit, Rey and Mr. LL discussed the many benefits of having an organic garden.

The shop team then helped Mr LL and his family build the garden, and provided them with various vegetable seeds such as gourds, mung beans, morning glory, long bean and radish to grow in their garden. In less than a month, Mr. LL is now able to feed himself and his family with some of the faster growing vegetables. DSC_1225

Since his family is rather large, most of the vegetables are used for the family’s consumption. However, he also manages to earn some money by selling some of the vegetables. He also shares some of his products with his neighbors “We are very grateful for the support’’ Mr. LL said, “Thanks to faith garden team who work to help lifting my family and other poor people in the village”.