Moshi, TZ – GMM Family’s garden success – 23 Apr 2014

The GMM family garden is one of the oldest in Tupendane’s garden program. They opened their garden in August 2013 and had the surprise challenge of having to move a colony of bees. When the family was clearing land for the garden they kept getting stung by bees and eventually realized there was a beehive on the land. They managed to finish the garden and over the next couple weeks, using local techniques, moved the bee colony off of their land.

Since then the garden has been very productive for them. The family has produced food for home consumption, selling, and sharing with friends and neighbors when needed. From August to December 2013 the family sold 53,000 TZS (USD $33.13) of vegetables. From January 2014 until now they have sold 78,000 TZS (USD $48.75) of vegetables. That averages 16,375 TZS (USD $10.23) per month.

GMM looking after his garden.

GMM looking after his garden.

They have used this extra income, as well as savings from not having to buy vegetables, to buy bricks and finish off the toilet and bathing area they started. They bought 600 bricks and used them to finish the walls so they can now use their toilet and bathing area. This will provide them with both privacy and improved sanitation.

GMM mother and father in front of their newly finished toilet and bathing room.

GMM mother and father in front of their newly finished toilet and bathing room.

There were some bricks left over after finishing the toilet so the family used them to reinforce the top of their well to prevent it from falling in over time.

The well the family reinforced using funds from their vegetable garden.

The well the family reinforced using funds from their vegetable garden.

The father of the GMM family works as a day laborer on whatever jobs he can find in the community. Normally he spends his days looking for work so he can afford to buy food and other necessary items for the home. However, having a source of food security allowed him to stay home for a few days to work on his home construction projects.

The family is facing a number of challenges but they have prioritized access to clean drinking water as their most important next achievement. The family home sits close to the main water line for the area so they are hoping that by maintaining a productive garden they will be able to qualify for a loan to get a direct water connection to their home.