Kilimanjaro, TZ – RTA family garden – 24 Sep 2013

RTA’s main achievement this past week was beginning her relay planting (with the help of the Lishe Bora team). All of her beds are now in use and the new plants should be coming up at about the time the short term vegetables are finishing up.

Mama Rita garden 20130927-png

Seeing the relay planting in action should be an important learning experience to help RTA understand the reasoning behind it.  Hopefully she will see the benefits first hand and feel that relay planting is a practice that adds value to the garden.

MR's relay planted beds

Relay planted beds

Her cucumbers have grown very well and they have now surpassed the age where they need to be help up with sticks and string. She told the shop that she knows she needs to do that but she doesn’t know how and also doesn’t know where she can get sticks from.  When building her fence the Lishe Bora team cut down a lot of sticks on her property and she can’t climb trees to cut down what’s left. To solve this problem the team suggested taking some sticks from her fence since they would be coming in the next couple of weeks with the mesh fencing. Mary put a few sticks in place and taught her how to tie the plants up without destroying them.

Written by:  Sam Barnes

Tuko Pamoja Mkyashi