Kilimanjaro, TZ – RWA family garden – 24 Sep 2013

RWA’s biggest achievement has been her continued improvement at good gardening practices. She started off a bit slow, but now that she is growing some good vegetables she seems to have taken a strong interest again. This past week she removed a lot of the weeds that had been growing in her garden, learned how to prune and pick vegetables much more effectively, and learned how to put sticks with her cucumbers so they could grow healthy.

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These are all basic gardening skills that RWA will be able to use repeatedly as she continues with her garden. The benefit for her will be greater independence in tending and/or expanding her garden. The benefit for the Lishe Bora shop will be a garden that requires much less maintenance.

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One problem RWA was facing was that she had put sticks into her cucumber gardens but didn’t have any string to hold the plants up with. Mary told her she would bring some but she also showed her how to make her own using banana husks. Another problem is a new kind of bug that seems to be coming in to season right now. The shop believes it is an aphid, so they will use the chili spray to fight it off.

Written by:  Sam Barnes

Tuko Pamoja Mkyashi