Utete, TZ – OAM family garden update – 1 Aug 2013

The AOM family garden is growing well and AOM has been able to sell 7,500 TZS / US$ 5 worth of the local spinach called mchicha to her neighbors after only 6 weeks from planting.  She has been able to start a small savings account for her children’s education fees.  All of the crops are doing well except for the mung beans that were planted in the fallow area to add nitrogen to the soil.  During a mentoring visit, the KCM garden shop helped re-plant the mung bean beds with fresher seeds and now they are growing as expected.

AM garden after 1 month

AOM garden after 1 month

Being a member of the local Kindwitwi Development Association (KDA), AM has become the member in charge of finding new families in Kindwitwi, and is working with the KCM garden shop to deal with any challenges any of the gardens are facing.