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Kikondo, UG – MVP Family FAITH garden saves money and improves nutrition – Apr 2023

The MVP family’s three children smile as they re-plant kale seedlings inter-cropped with beans in their FAITH garden. MVP mother and father had lived in Kikondo village and attended Wamukisa trainings for some time, but until the last dry season had not started a garden in their small amount of land available. Then because of drought the price of food for their family became so high they had little money left.

With Wamukisa’s mentorship, seedlings, and compost the family planted beans and kale instead of less nutritious leafy greens. Beans provide more protein and kale is easy to maintain with continuous harvests available throughout dry seasons. Wamukisa has recommended they plant a casava tree fence around the small family garden to provide protection from wandering animals. Casava roots are a reliable starchy staple crop. The FAITH garden has been feeding the family with vegetables, helping the family save most of its income in the Zinabala VICOBA. This is happening when food/vegetable prices have highly increased.

The FAITH garden relies on seasonal rains rendering it unproductive in dry seasons. With money saved, they hope to start collecting run off water from rain to use in dry season so that its FAITH garden supplies food and vegetables all year round.