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Utete, TZ – IBM’s innovation – 31 Dec 2022

TN family thanks KCM for the gardening and business knowledge they received alongside training Vicoba families’ savings and volunteering in productions to assist KCM self-sufficiently feeding children and the special needy community groups.

Her son IBM who is also a member of the village community bank “VICOBA” families, inspired the community from his entrepreneurship at the local production factory of perfumed body lotion and stains’ soap. He designed packages and labels for family and local shop delivery.

IBM uses available ingredients from local shops down the streets for manufacturing of these products. He burns materials using a pot and cooker until fine and cools down ready for packaging to a designed container ready for delivery to the local shops and families in and outside his village. Each lotion sells 1,000 and earns net up to 5,000 TZS a daily.

Limited capital hinders quick growth of this business due to low supply to meet the demand. Currently IBM owns 150,000 TZS capital and he used to walk marketing and selling products to the neighborhoods, and now spend 1,000 TZS daily renting a bicycle for the marketing and delivery services.

IBM’s future dream is to own a factory and employ people, and to make it happen, plan to buy a bicycle for saving hiring costs to increase products productions and supplying to far villages’ customers, and later add more suppliers’ agents for more profits to develop his business and home life.