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Kikondo, UG – Rose sells pigs to invest in income producing land — 31 Dec 2022

Rose is smiling with cash in her hands because she achieved her target of selling her pigs this month, leaving her pens empty except for two pigs to start a new breeding cycle.

In total, she has managed to sell off 38 pigs before Christmas. She earned 2 million shillings from the sale of 20 piglets. She earned 2 million shillings from the sale of 10 grown pigs and also earned 2.4 million shillings from the sale of 8 adult pigs. Her total sales are 6.4 million shillings (about $1,800 USD). During the year 2022 her expenses for pig food, veterinary fees and medicine, and food additives were near 1 million shillings, so business profit was good.

Saving with good management of her money is important to Rose. She always saves a portion of her earnings as a team member of Wamukisa. She will use 1 million shillings to restart her piggery project in 2023 to again sell pigs in the Christmas holiday season. This year she plans to grow only 10 pigs because she also will work in Jaja Sarah’s kindergarten. Booster feeds to mix with bran, deworming, vitamins, and repairing part of the pigsty will add to business expenses. Rose will save UGS 400,000 in her VICOBA account for other business ventures.

Rose hopes to purchase land so that she can start staple crop growing as her next business. But because Kikondo has become a very popular place for people to live while working in Entebbe or Kampala, land nearby has become expensive. With 5 million shillings profit from her pig business, Rose will start exploring purchase of land in Kasaka Gomba. She will be helped by the village chief of that area to find suitable land and farm helpers.