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Kilimanjaro, TZ – Lishe Jamii Village Community Banking group is earning sustainable income and assisting children to strengthen their health – 31 Oct 2022

Lishe Jamii VICOBA Group was established in January 2022 with 12 members aiming to start a nutritious flour selling business, the members were originally assisted with building family vegetable gardens by local enterprise Lishe Bora.

Lishe Bora encouraged a collaboration between the VICOBA group and Kisuluni primary school by forming a partnership the between them. The VICOBA members have been volunteering to care for the school’s banana and vegetable gardens so that the school children can feed themselves with the organic bananas and vegetables that they grow.

The Group has been able to produce an average of 30 Kg of flour per month and is targeting to raise it to 300 Kg and improve their packaging with new packing sacs with their own business brand label. The members are planning to apply for a loan from Lishe bora to expand its business in the production and marketing areas.