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Utete, TZ – Families are maintaining water access – 31 Mar 2022

Clean water access is being maintained to family homes and business in the Kindwitwi community.

There are eight installed water taps, and six of them are active and providing clean water access to the families. Most families sell some of their water to other families in order to pay water bills. However, the parents of the KLCCDA children are able to pay for their water.

One family’s public water point serves over seven families and generates a regular income of 15,000 TZS / US$ 5 per week for the owner of the water point. For example, the SK family earns 1,500 – 2,000 TZS / US$0.50 – 0.70 per day selling water.

Life has not been without challenges, the local water authority locked two families’ water taps for failing to pay their water bills after they lent water to families who never paid for the water they received. Other families want to get water connections. To assist families to purchase water connections and gain access to lower interest loans for home improvement and school supplies, KCM encourages water families to join an active Village Community Bank Association (VICOBA).