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Kinditwi, TZ – Omari finishes a full year of loan repayments – 15 Dec 2020

After a hard year due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Omari stays true to his promise of good faith payments in 2020.

Omari Mtumbi is the owner of KCM’s old chicken banda. He has produced and sold several generations of chickens. Though, still being challenged by market prices. Mtumbi has persevered.

After each year passes, Mtumbi understands the chicken rearing processes more and more and can make slight improvements to the feed and the banda design. For instance, after experiencing threats from snakes, Mtumbi fortified the wall barriers surrounding the banda and included plants that repel snakes.

Though Omari has developed a relationship with a local buyer for a hotel in Kibiti, he is still challenged to routinely sell his chickens. The effect of this is that he sinks more money into feeding the chickens which reduce his profit.

Though undeterred, He is working on establishing a relationship with Dickson to expand his market.