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Kilimanjaro, TZ – Mkyashi Water Project talks with Kirua-Kahe Water project – 15 Sept 2020

After Lishe Bora’s recent visit with the Kirua-Kahe Water project, they discovered that they each have water lines that intersect with each other. This means that the Mkyashi Water Committee may be able to connect to a higher level of water service potential and provide sustainable water to the community!

Mkyashi Water Committee and Lishe Bora have been working hard trying to ensure the sustainability of access to water in the Mkyashi area. However, they hit a roadblock. After electricity was restored to the area, they learned the pump that carried water through their lines has ceased functioning. Fortunately, Kirua-Kahe has explained that their lines intersect with Lishe Bora’s main water line, giving access to sustainable water to their families.

The objective of the Mkyashi Water Project was to provide sustainable water to the community, they succeeded in this endeavor, but ran into a challenge with their pump and some additional organizational challenges. The benefit of Kirua-Kahe establishing their lines in the area means that the families now have the options of a government water supply or their local community system.

The next step is for Lishe Bora, the Committee Chair, and the Village Executive officer to organize a Mkyashi water committee meeting. Unfortunately, most families are either too busy farming or working on the election campaign. The team is hopeful though that they are on the path towards a long term solution to their water supply challenge in Mkyashi.