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Kikondo, UG – SMW family uses savings to invest in goat project – 15 May 2020

SMW father, Zinabala’s VICOBAs beekeeper, and family dedicated themselves to attending every Wamukisa and apply the knowledge at their home and have expanded their goat project.

SMW family received Wamukisa training such as FAITH garden training, Plan, Earn, Save, Invest (PESI), and Prioritize, Inspect, Encourage (PIE). Using this information, they planned their garden to produce Kale, Beans, and Cabbage. They learned that by growing these crops in rotation, the family could save 126,200 UGS ($35 USD) per week based on market prices of their weekly family need.

In early 2018, the family began saving in the Zinabala VICOBA group and because of their garden savings and the training received from Wamukisa, along with some other sources of family income (dairy project), The family was able to invest in a new goat project. Currently, SMW family has 20 goats.

SMW family’s main challenge is having access to a better goat breed that sells well. Families in Uganda will borrow each other’s male animal to help breed their livestock. However, in SMW family’s case, Kikondo largely keeps pigs.

SMW Family hopes to save 500,000 UGS ( $140) to purchase a hybrid goat from the district’s farm institute located in Masaka.