Better Lives

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Siem Reap, KH – Visiting students create new opportunities for Peaksneng families – 9 Jul 2019

18 students, 3 teachers, and 1 True Adventure leader from Dartford School spent 4 days working with Peaksneng Thormacheat Shop. The students collaborated with Peaksneng staff to expand the shop’s organic vegetable growing program. The group’s accomplishments include creating:

  • 8 organic compost piles
  • 4 family vegetable gardens
  • Organic pest repellent and booster sprays
  • 300 vegetable seedlings

Throughout most of the year Peaksneng Thormacheat Shop focuses on supporting families with existing gardens. In 2019 they are only building gardens with new families when they have support from visiting student groups. The groups provide a big boost of energy and enthusiasm for the shop.

The group also gave energy and opportunities to the families they assisted. Families with productive vegetable gardens can qualify for other forms of support like microloans and home improvement opportunities. Sprays, compost, and seedlings are all valuable inputs that enable families to maintain productive gardens.