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Battambang, KH – Making time for study – 30 Jun, 2019

HH gets up at 5.30 am each school day, and sets off walking at 6.00 am to arrive for start of school by 7.00 am.

He is 15 years old and started grade 7 about one month ago. He has been working very well and has achieved 12th place among the 40 students in his class.

He will be facing some challenges in the future because his family is trying very hard to support him so that he can go to school. To progress in school, he will need to do take some additional tuition after school for the four subjects of math, chemistry, Khmer and English languages. This will take both money and time, at an extra cost of US$ 10 per month per subject.

To make the time he wants to buy a used bicycle, so that he can reduce his travel time to school.