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Kikondo, UG – Home water projects help family grow vegetables at home, looking to expand – 15 Jun 2017

Wamukisa - Mentor Visit - 20170317 - HHM FamilyThe HHM family’s early success tending their three-bed organic vegetable garden is motivating them to plan additional beds and experiment with new crops. The family hopes an expansion to six beds will provide them with an additional 20,000 UGS (US $6.00) of income per month.

In May 2016 the family started a small water harvesting project at home after attending one of Wamukisa’s training sessions. They also built a filter so water from cooking and clearing could be used for irrigation. These projects provided them with sufficient water to start vegetable gardening at home.

Since starting their vegetable garden the HHM family has harvested French beans and onions. They sold 7 kg of onions for 15,000 UGS (US $4.50) and ate the French beans at home, which helped reduce household expenses. In addition to planning to plant three more beds, the family is also experimenting growing ginger. They have grown it before in small quantities and hope they can grow it in larger quantities in their vegetable garden. If they are successful, they believe ginger will earn them a good return on their investment because no other families in Kikondo currently grow ginger.

The HHM family is scheduled to be one of the first families to receive water water connection from Wamukisa’s waterline extension. A home connection will enable them to expand their garden to six beds and beyond. Their diligence maintaining their connection and keeping up with water bills will be essential to helping other families in Kikondo receive water connections.