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Siem Reap, KH – Family strengthens their health by focusing on productivity – 14 Apr 2017

WMT Organic Vegetable Garden

The WMT family have been focusing on improving the productivity of their garden in order to reduce their food bills. The extra effort has paid off, as they have cut their food bill in half.

The family would normally spend US$75 per month on food but since they have focused on increasing the yield from their organic vegetable garden, they only have to spend US$35 to feed their family of five. This money is spent mainly on proteins like fish, beef and pork.

They have faced challenges with drought and the high cost of seeds. They plan to dig their well deeper so that they do not struggle in the dry season. Their savings from reduced grocery bills enables them to buy more seeds.

WMT has been offered a grant from the local church and wants to use it for a down payment on a Peaksneng Thormacheat’s Rent-to-own home. They want to live in the Rent-to-own community because their current home is in an isolated area away from other families. WMT wants his family to grow up in a more communal environment.