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Utete, TZ – Garden shop seedling beds – 22 Feb 2013

The organic garden shop will grow seedlings for the early maturing plants, like Chinese cabbage and tomato, in raised beds that have compost and rice hull charcoal mixed in with the broken up soil.  First step is to plan the layout of the raised beds on a scaled down model.

Planning the model garden

Planning the model garden

Next step is to break up the soil.

Breaking up the tough soil

Breaking up the tough soil

The beds are formed and the compost and rice hull charcoal are mixed into the  soil.

Adding rice hull charcoal

Adding rice hull charcoal

A straw mulch is added to protect the beds from the strong African sun and occasionally very hard rains during the rainy season from March to May.

Using mulch to protect the beds from the elements

Using mulch to protect the beds from the elements

The  beds are now ready for the seedlings!