Better Lives

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Kikondo, UG – Ukasha opens repair shop to improve income for HHM family – 30 Apr 2019

HMM Boy and ShopIn 2017, Better Lives’ board organized and delivered a training program about solar electricity. Ukasha was invited to attend the program. He was excited because his family had not been able to invest in his education. This new knowledge presented an opportunity for self-employment.

Many families in Kikondo rely on solar energy as a cheap and reliable alternative to the government grid. Ukasha has quickly become an important resource for his neighbors. His new shop means they always know where to find him to request repair services.

Ukasha would like to receive more training about solar electric and grid-based system. However, he is finding it difficult to afford the time and money that a traditional training program requires. He has a few mentors but they cannot always answer his questions. He is exploring alternative opportunities to learn more about his new craft.

HMM Son and Work placeHe hopes to continue working in his shop as well as doing construction work on the side so he can take advantage of future earning opportunities.