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Siem Reap, KH – Rey’s support and rent-to own home development provides a vision for hope – 30 Aug 2018

Rey and TPThe manager of the garden shop, Rey, was recently overwhelmed with emotion when TP, who had lost part of one leg to a landmine a while back, became a renewed man after a recent very sad period.

Rey had not heard from TP and his family for two years, which was distressing because they were one of the most productive and happy families that the shop had assisted to start a vegetable garden. The family had enjoyed the food and income benefits of the garden and also the income benefits of a pig growing loan. Their garden had provided enough food for the children, and increased their income to the extent that they were able to increase it further with the pig loan and also improve their home.

Rey learned that all this ended when he heard an unexpectedly sad story last year. TP’s wife had left with another man, causing him so much pain that he turned to alcohol to cope with the situation and a gnawing sense of not being good enough. He was broken, depressed and had lost the meaning of life. He drank every single day until he lost all his children, when they could not take living with him anymore and left to join a monastery as young monks.

This very sad story had Rey in tears when he heard it, because a family that he considered one of the best had become so unhappy and helpless. He was deeply affected by TP’s story because he had recently seen another family experience great unhappiness. Rey took heart from one of his favorite sayings: ” the darkest part of the night is nearest to the morning”. Rey had almost lost all hope for TP because every time he passed him on the road he was drunk and disorientated. Rey wanted to assist him so he visited him and brought some goods, shared his own love story with him, encouraged him to move on and fight a good fight, and above all prayed for him. It is not an easy journey for TP and his family, but eventually Rey’s prayers have started to be answered.

TP with plantOne day, Rey saw TP look fresh with a wide smile on his face. He asked Rey “brother I want to start a garden again, are you willing to help me?”. Rey immediately said yes. TP asked for very little help yet he achieved a very promising result. He is now back in good spirits, and is full of life and energy.

TP faced a huge challenge of feeling deeply depressed, broken, hopeless and becoming an alcoholic. He has now achieved a wonderful transformation, from a very sad story to a beautiful one of recovery. His story shows that we should never lose hope when coping with a difficult situation.

TP now earns income from his garden and has regained his health. His children are so happy to see their father in good spirits, and once again have a good relationship with him.  His dream for the future is to be reunited with his children and eventually qualify for a rent to own home.