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Mt Kilimanjaro, TZ – Parmiters School students are first to enjoy new camping amenities on Kilimanjaro – 15 Aug 2017

1 (3)Students from Parmiter’s School were the first to enjoy new amenities at Lishe Bora’s eco-lodge site. Over 40 students and staff camped at the property in July and August. They were the first groups to stay at the site since the dining hall, toilets, oven, and grill were built.

These basic amenities proved to be a big improvement for the groups’ experiences. They enjoyed warm oven-fresh bread rolls on cold mountain nights. One group baked 15 pizzas in one night! They also roasted rabbit and goat over the grill and stayed up late playing cards and drinking tea and soda in the covered dining area.

Students enjoyed the site’s natural amenities in addition to its human-built ones. Many students had showers under a nearby waterfall each night after work and enjoyed sunsets from the edge of the river valley.

The groups were excited to be a part of this new and growing endeavor for Lishe Bora. They wanted to leave their mark for future groups. Whenever there were scrap materials from a construction project, students would think of something they could build to use around the campsite. They built two cooking and food prep counters as well as a toilet seat for visitors who were unable or unwilling to use the local-style squat toilets.

The students’ positive energy and excitement was encouraging for Lishe Bora and they are looking forward to continuing to develop the property!15