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Siem Reap, KH – Grandmother is enjoying selling vegetables – 31 Jul 2017

Thon Chan Mother sellingTC’s mother is enjoying life in the market each morning, selling vegetables that her son is growing in his garden. She and the family love eating healthy vegetables and inspiring others to eat well and earn an income like their own family.

The family especially likes growing their food supply organically because it is environmentally friendly. Father’s spirit is always lifted when he sees his green garden looking very healthy and alive. He says who would have thought that a garden could bring about such a happy and positive attitude!

He is enjoying learning new organic growing skills, and applying them in his garden. He even wants to add a commercial garden for growing more vegetables for selling, because this will enable the family to increase their income.

Thon Chan 600The family has had to overcome a number of challenges in order for the garden to provides sufficient fresh vegetables and income for them.  Too little water during the dry season, and then too much in the wet season have reduced the crops, and bugs and stray cows have damaged the crop. Additionally, the high price of the supplier’s seeds compared to the low market prices for vegetables hurts their income.

They are dreaming of building a small house that has light at night for their children to study. This is important to them because they want their children to be educated.