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Battambang, KH – Better nutrition improves school grades – 30 Jul 2017

Chart HO (2)It is wonderful how organically grown vegetables have helped CDH’s children improve their school grades. The nutrition has improved both their attendance and attention in class, while the extra income from surplus vegetable sales is paying for their school expenses. Expenses that include school uniforms, materials (bag, books, pencils), food money and part time tuition time.

CDH family are father and mother Chat and Dysawon, and their children: 9-year-old daughter Sawy who is ranked 12 of 40 children in her grade 4 class, 6-year-old son Sawun who is ranked 15 of 36 children in his grade 2 class, and 3-year-old daughter Sreywen who is at home during the day.

CDH started their organic garden with the assistance of the garden shop in 2016. Since then the garden has fed the family and vegetable sales have contributed to the family’s living and school expenses.

Chart HoThey are practicing beans and green vegetables crop rotation in order to maintain the fertility of the soil. The recent planting of lettuce, morning glory and long beans has been very productive as the picture shows. The family’s regular income from the garden comes from harvesting vegetables every week, and this week they earned $25 from a harvest of 50kg of lettuce which sells for US$ 0.50 / Kg.

Unfortunately, water is often a problem because there is either too little or too much! At the moment, a lot of rain is making the soil very difficult to maintain because it is sticky and the raised garden beds get washed away. The family is putting mulch on top of the beds to try and protect them from the heavy rain.

Despite the weather challenges, they plan to continue operating the garden because it is helping them realize their dream of giving their children an education and an opportunity in life.