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Kikondo, UG – Water harvesting provides relief to busy grandparents – 30 Apr 2016

GMK familyThe GGK family is using water harvesting techniques to bring order to their sometimes chaotic household. Having a harvesting system in place reduces the amount of time the family spends collecting water. Additionally, when it starts raining there is no frantic rush to put buckets in place, they know their system is ready.

One can understand why the household is often chaotic, Mr and Mrs GGK’s grown children moved to the city to look for work and left them in charge of 11 grandchildren. They also have a small farm, a garden, and two cows.

The family attended Wamukisa’s water harvest training and learned about the economic and time benefits of harvesting water from their roof. The family had always used basic but inefficient harvesting techniques, and could see the benefits of implementing a more organized system. So they purchased an iron gutter and extra jerry cans for one side of their house.

Since implementing the system the grandparents report that they are spending much less time fetching water and there is less chaos organizing the grandchildren to collect water or put out buckets when it is raining.

Their next goal is to purchase another gutter for the other side of their house and a 1,000 liter water tank to increase the amount of water they are able to save at home.