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Battambang, KH – Education Leads To a Bright Future – 15 Mar 2016

RathanaBefore attending Dewey International University (DIU), Rathana was behind in her studies. Growing up, her family moved
many times and was unable to enroll her in school until she was 14 years old. At the beginning of that school year, Rathana
was placed in grade 4. She had difficulty keeping up with the other students in her class and was not confident in her
academic abilities. However, with the help of the supplemental classes offered at Children’s Future’s Learning Center,
Rathana learned positive study habits and gained confidence in her abilities. Her increased morale and determination in her
studies helped her catch up to her peers and she was placed in grade 7 the following year. Unfortunately, during that year,
economic challenges in her home life forced her to leave school and move to Thailand with her brother to work. When
Children’s Future’s social workers learned of her situation, they reached out to Rathana and successfully encouraged her to
return to school. Still facing problems at home, she found that she was still unable to attend school regularly and eventually
returned to her work in Thailand. Children’s Future’s social workers took great interest in ensuring that Rathana could return
to her village and continue her studies through high school. They worked closely with Rathana and her family to develop a
plan of action for Rathana, which included the opportunity to study at DIU. This is an option that is only available to those
who commit to completing high school, and Rathana was ready to make that commitment.

On her first day of school at DIU in 2015, Rathana was very happy to have the opportunity to receive such a highquality
education. Today, she is in grade 10 and recently met with Children’s Future staff to reflect upon her achievements and the
challenges she has faced. CF’s social workers’ monitoring and support network has aided Rathana in building a foundation
upon which she can succeed. She has been attending classes regularly, and as a result she finds it easier to stay caught
up in her coursework. Along with her improved grades, Rathana reports that these improvements have made her feel happy,
proud, and motivated to continue her studies.

Rathana knows that education is her key to a brighter future. She has even become a fantastic educational advocate,
encouraging her friends and fellow students to study more at home and participate more in their classes. She says that
doing these things has helped her overcome her own academic challenges. Since she only studies at DIU in the mornings,
she has plenty of time in the afternoons to attend English and other classes at the Learning Center and study at home.
Rathana believes that without the opportunity to study at DIU she would not be in school anymore. She is grateful for the
support that allowed her to attend DIU and is taking full advantage of this opportunity.